Monday, October 18, 2010

4 Days With Chrome + A Cool Feature

Well I am now 4 days into my Chromy adventure. All in all, I've been very pleased with the whole experience so far. I really like the minimalist look of the browser, and the opening and closing speeds are very quick.

There are a lot of slick features I'm enjoying, like the downloads queuing and lining up at the bottom of the screen instead of on a separate pop-up window like Firefox. The home page has a nice list of recently closed windows so you can easily skip back to where you were if you close something on accident.

One of my favorite features so far is the view you get when you open a new tab. Before I've always set a homepage, but on the new tab they list out your eight most visited sights. It's cool to see where you visit, and actually rather motivational.

I appear to really like soccer. 4 soccer sites, 2 entertainment, and 1 educational!

I want to make sure that is on the list! I don't want a list of all horrible sites, I want to show that I'm using the internet for something worthwhile.

This could really expose laziness at work though. Your boss tells you to open a new tab, and when you do it shows like 8 game or sports sites. Hmm I wonder what this worker has been up to.


In the next post I'll detail my frustration with pop-ups on Chrome and installing Ad-Block plus to change the internet back to a fun wholesome place.

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